0DX0205(a%~ZIPV1.0a%05-05    q r Ls j ? ! VAXCRTL_001! LIBRTL_001O! MTHRTL_001Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gaillyand Igor Mandrichenko. Type '%s "-L"' for software license.Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, orredistribute this executable so long as it is not modified and that it isnot sold for profit.LIKE ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S FREE, ZIP AND ITS ASSOCIATED UTILITIES AREPROVIDED AS IS AND COME WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGESRESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.-zip file is empty, can't make it as old as latest entryzip file has only directories, can't make it as old as latest entrywas deleting moved files and directorieszip error zip error: %s (%s) attempting to restore %s to its previous state abortingzip warning: %s%s zipZip %s (%s). Usage:zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list] The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which can include the special name - to compress standard input. If zipfile and list are omitted, zip compresses stdin to stdout. -f freshen: only changed files -u update: only changed or new files -d delete entries in zipfile -m move into zipfile (delete files) -k simulate PKZIP made zipfile -g allow growing existing zipfile -r recurse into directories -j junk (don't record) directory names -0 store only -l convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF) -1 compress faster -9 compress better -q quiet operation -v verbose operation -c add one-line comments -z add zipfile comment -b use "path" for temp file -t only do files after "mmddyy" -@ read names from stdin -o make zipfile as old as latest entry -x exclude the following names -i include only the following names "-F" fix zipfile(-FF try harder) "-D" do not add directory entries "-T" test zipfile integrity "-L" show software license -w append the VMS version number to the name stored in the zip file "-V" save VMS file attributes -h show this help -n don't compress these suffixeszip2.0Sept 7th 1993cannot write zip file to terminalwas processing arguments-unzip -t -qq test of %s FAILED original files unmodifiedtest of %s OK was creating pattern listZIPOPTuse -b before zip file namespecify just one actionencryption not supportedspecify just one actioncan only have one -tspecify just one actionnothing to select from-can't use - and -@ togethername not matched: no such option: %ccan't use - and -@ togetherinvalid pathinvalid timename not matched: was processing argumentsname not matched: was processing arguments%2d%2d%2dinvalid date entered for -t optionname not matched: -name not matched: --can't use - and -@ togethercannot repeat names in zip filewas processing list of filesmissing suffix list;:invalid option(s) used with -dcan't use -y with -k, -y ignored-can't use -T on stdout, -T ignored-can't use -d,-f,-u or -g on stdout can't use -V with -l not found or emptywas processing argumentszip diagnostic: %s %s missing or earlyup to date--wctx=stmrfm=fixmrs=512r+ctx=stmrfm=fixmrs=512-allocating temp filename-r+ctx=stmrfm=fixmrs=512rctx=stmallocating temp filenamewctx=stmrfm=fixmrs=512updating: %swas zipping %szip warningcould not open for reading: will just copy entry over: was copying %sdeleting: %s was copying %swas adding files to zip file adding: %swas zipping %szip warningcould not open for reading: rwas reading comment linesEnter comment for %s: was reading comment linesrwas reading comment linescurrent zip file comment is: enter new zip file comment (end with .): . was reading comment lines zip file emptytotal bytes=%lu, compressed=%lu -> %d%% savings -new zip file left as: was replacing the original zip file-Can't get memory for argumentsCan't get memory for argumentssys$disk:[].zip- Error: zipfile is in variable-length record format. Please run "bilf b %s" to convert the zipfile to fixed-length record format. (Bilf.exe, bilf.c and make_bilf.com are included in the VMS UnZip distribution.) rctx=stm%dzero-length name for entry #zip: reading %s bad extended local header for extended local header not found for compressed size %ld, actual size %ld for %s zip warning: %s %s truncated. would behas beenRetry with option -qF to truncate, with -FF to attempt full recovery extraneous central header signaturelocal and central headers differ for offset %d--local = %02x, central = %02xlocal offset in central header incorrect for names in local and central differ for made by version %d.%d on system type %d: needs unzip %d.%d on system type %d: local flags = 0x%04x, central = 0x%04x: undefined bits used in flags = 0x%04x: unknown compression method %u: starts on disk %u: unknown internal attributes = 0x%04x: unknown external attributes = 0x%08lx: has %d bytes of extra data: local extra (%d bytes) != central extra (%d bytes): missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did youremember to use binary mode when you transferred it?)multiple disk information ignoredcount in end of central directory incorrectcentral directory size is incorrect (made by stzip?)central directory start is incorrect has a preamble of %ld bytesgarbage at end of zip file ignored.DIR;1zip diagnostic: trashing file %s /zip diagnostic: trashing directory %s (if empty) -runexpected error on zip filecan't rewrite methodzip -0 not supported for I/O on pipes or devices (in=%lu) (out=%lu) (deflated %d%%) (stored 0%%) .DIR*.*.dir;1directory not version 1/name in zip file repeated: first full name: second full name: empty name without -jzip diagnostic: excluding %s zip diagnostic: including %s --zip diagnostic: %scluding %s exinJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC%02d-%3s-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.00can't set zipfile time: -fstat(stdin)set prot=(o:rwed) rctx=stm replace: can't open %s wctx=stmrfm=fixmrs=512_ZXXXXXX fcopy: write error bad pack levelUnexpected end of zip fileZip file structure invalidOut of memoryInternal logic errorEntry too big to splitInvalid comment formatZip file invalid or insufficient memoryInterruptedTemporary file failureInput file read failureNothing to do!Missing or empty zip fileOutput file write failureCould not create output fileInvalid command argumentsFile not found or no read permission.Z:.zip:.zoo:.arc:.lzh:.arjblock vanished-l used on binary fileoutput buffer too small for in-memory compressionwrite error on zip filewrite error on zip fileoutput buffer too small for in-memory compressiontarget buffer too smallset_extra_field: Insufficient memory. set_extra_field: Insufficient memory. VMSVVFABVALLVKEYVPROVFHCVDATVRDTFABxabALLxabKEYxabDATxabRDTxabFHCxabPROUnknownBlock @%08X of type %s (%d). Size = %d Offset - Hex - Dec %3d - %02X - %03d IMFG[0sP%`0 z G g        *)T/( /      @, | G0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-+,q|},8OgvPCtXx2<^US7RRQPRcfRPc\ЬVTݬ6bc\ѬF6ݬFbc\լݬ:bc\լ  Ѭ>:ݬ>bc\լ$ݬBbcbTcecP ^QWXOST7Rբ 1g1.gP1 ,0UhT}TU/8fPVQVP@F/СVСVQVVgE]*PiUíT@TU/Зh hXhg gIg@P îPJ^VXY U%6SУ$R֣$R ؖլUЬRR RR R R a֖ݬRBգ1ѣi(գ  ݣ qݣ`ݣQ1PThWiXhݣ ^hf1R&Pݣ R9.P P$PPfTТVRݣ WWf~TJ=ԣ ݣ Օg _ i iϵԬy^R^R }& (֬^YRݬݬ/|5<^mTU\|SRBBcd RRRPBe֔RR P<^U\'T3SR̮Bde RRRP̶̲B(e ~RRP^URZ\P CPb b(5P bP|^R | |ݬ|ғ|oP$ ## ?e= \P^[WZUgTެYTi1ެRТXEVDhP`-3i~DfPiU[Px~DfP xUDPU=U9jQ2xgP@aS|~DLPcxgQjPAPU`UikgTTigjxg~Pj8ݬݬ`^YXYW1Z}(aѬlP_RPȮBi D RRRPȶȲB(ݑ ֑RRf ߬߬ԪԪ Ԯ0 RRRԮlԮDݬݬh1 !ΈXΌW[8p<NPMPԮԮ }P=,Ю, P @ ݪ1dPծ 1  B#P,/  Ю, }ݮ4#P$о0R  SPSS~E1*' % P b MP / BZ R J H ݪDP,P  ݪ <44ݮ0ݮMPP ЪRRRPԮ\о\R1[W4߀TPJ,8VբJ1j1%GݢFb ,k#gݮ,R.PS?S: <gݢ6o `SXS1 <g~  Ȋ TТ6SST/)kȧ TТFSwST/kݮ,ݮRDPSݢF J`@SXԢJV\1P"ݢF kgТVSݢ6fݢFfբݢ:fբ  Ѣ>:ݢ>fբ$ݢBfRfS\ :Pծ .ݮ,ݮRDPSݢF `SXV\о\R1)U1_H~L~W~[~VZ~~PT PԤVe6eХFԥ| Ф JХRݤF Xgݮ,T+PRAR< kgݤ6 ~RPRcu kjg(}4SФ6RYRS/}\ݤ6fݤFfTfPT\V\mU 6PU17}ժ1ծ(Q~}RbR ~}P(<~;}PV SS1գJ1ݣ6mw|ݮ(<~V|PTV|PTT~|PUV~|ȄYVU|TRBe TDeUBT$УVS1jV=|ժ1ծ(Ȟ|RbR ~|P(<~G|PV Ƞe]Ⱥ{{RSBc V {{{PPRb1n{ݮ(<~VY{P1V-{P1{` {d\{[Y{WVdPTTRBf TDfRb RdPSSTS~{PUVhRbVRUkPgPgPfVSP"SSUkhUwݮ(<~VjzPVAzP12H!zP6V%zT nԮ$Ԯ$SCݮ,SP ݪP.R R$RR$TУVST'%S4RzRS/ zy&ݮ$ݮ &Pݮ(ݮ50ynV$ݮ,kaݮ ݮ4T P ݪP"Ԫ ݮ,9yPݪծS SS~ծ ݮ yIժ1ЪR "y yRyxP$ Sx# oE= 'xfzOxPdծ _ݪaBPR@hTЪSST/~x7xݪ xԪRݪwԪծ;ȣwP&ݮNCծqծSPSS~VPP^Vݬ bwPUeURTPTbPP  RbPP bQQ PRbQQ QTWUwPP]wPS ƥUSDwWRRxR~.wPT TUTQTЬP`R`bScRR PScRR R cPP PScPP PެSW׳QaRab׳dUW^RRPP P֬PP QQ P֬QQ QRP^мPݠFмPFME^мPݠFмPF1E^ЬPݠFE^!߯ݬCP`PPP<L^(PPu(`IuLЬݭCuPYݭ-uPLLPNLXV0PPHP)OSS~-uPT;CLLTu'WSS~uPTCLLTtTP^YԭRbߩRetPP߭w(nѭdߩt\tPB#tPV1e߭߭X< XVsP\\+\P"PXVmsP\\ \P\VޭRRRCsPvTRݤF(ݤF+P6PX2WRRRRX<RR1?խ1PVePRR%RPPVePRR RPRVޭ\\\jPcQ\<\\x\\\QޭPP`R\<\\x\\\RxR\\QQPK)~VkP1df\  RPRRPޭPP\lQRPVݣ ݣ>0Pݣ>EffR  \\\Pѣ ݣݣ>ݣ:P ݣ> У:>գ$Cݣ$PBPVݣ$ݣB0PݣBefR  \\\P1t R@kݣF4j!Pݣ R-kݣFj|J.R R$RRXУVSV߭0PfR  \\\PURXP !ЬRբ$ݬݢ$ݢBXP$ PP<^ЬTTP~XUeTK~eTeTeTeTeTeTeTPPPP2PSSeTxPPRReTSeTReTެRbPPPP2P~eTˏbPPPP~eTbPPRRPPPP2P~eTRPPPP~eTެ RbPPPP2P~eTˏbPPPP~eTbPPRRPPPP2P~eTRPPPP~eTެRbPP2P~eTbPP~ebRTRݬ@WPR PP^T]~ЬSSGWPR*b.S5WPR]bĿRWcc/ЬRRWP` ^UV[+YZWS1VVVXPգJգN1J\LF/1jݣ6k`Vݣ6 i1У6\]~\fPR!b.\fPR]bſRhll/\fP`PlУF\]~\fPR$b.\fPR]bſRh Pll/\fP`PlУF\l \hݣFgUPWWУVS1W1xW~UPVPWVRGPբJ9բ4\ТFSLc/%WW\Lf\ݬFSUP W\WRLfТVRWVTTWzTSPDf\Ь6Rb^RcP@b/ RcP@bTT\Lf\ݬFDf\ݬFTP&jDf\ݬ6kTDf\ݬ6jTTWV^TP<^9UЬSTT勺Vݬ S~P PЬP2T~ЬRRBTPbP  RRRPЬQe2TeСT7ݣ2ЬRRTPbP  RRRPЬPe2TЬP<,PPTTeTݬ ^ެSެRccccbbbcSSb.bSRďRQRPSR RP Q{RPQPQQTPTTPP^WV;ЬRRFSPTTRRPRRTЬRRRRPPUURPeSS:S;7VPV;ЬRRRPTTDRwRPRRT2PRV%TSPP2PQdPP2PPAg@gRRVTUUVP$^aX[ZRYVԭUW|ЬSݣFQPPR@F/RR*߭߭ݣ63PP ѭPѭԭ覆xЬRݢ6tPS:SShЬRݢ6aQP QePR{@ݭ1PWԦEPծ Ԧ|5Pݢ6&DPSߨݢ6QPSSPWխԭѭЬSRPRRcխ TPTTԣ ,ЭRխ RRTPTTЬSЭRRQPQQ(**ЭRգR ˏRTRTT.k2ݬSPЬPRRRkмR ߨЬSSOPncR 0 |~lPfѭGS8ծЬR*߭ЬR*&GD$P 1P<@~OPSPծmWRP<@~SPRRUMPݬUSXOPU S.O Pj i.KOW<@~SEPRRUSN ЦR2RDPSbRߢ RPRPPSS PЦR勤RMC PRN kkЬSf Ю ݣ2ݬNPG ߨ!ָխխ ߨ6$ݬݬPkЬP,nխ QQQ<RR,ݬS=Pݮݬ NP PЬS<RRݬSbPkЬPՠѠ:> ݠ:MЬRԢK1jݮ ߨg$MѭwSЮ TSSSSTTTST.TSRďRQRPSR RP Q{RPQPQQUPUUߨ{﫱MPȍLLPP^ﵲXjWEhݬݬݧAPRݧݬݬ.LPRRUUU1TUPN1ެVfffSSRhSRݧAPTݧSRKPTTUUfUUUPЬQ֬aa ЬQQP `QPQ `U׬U1PЬTTRެVhf~TݧAPSݧf~TJKPSSUUfUUUP޼P E`ЬQ֬aa  b ׬U׬U.hݬݧ@ݧݬJUPUUP޼Q@aUUݬPgUUP|^ЬV(PJ(`JTT,Ь0ݬJP8ƴ`^ƴXV0PЬS_RBôÈRRR^1W*V<~JPUݬ6JPTP~|JPSPT1ݬSeJPTTRb]rRRSb; 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