----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET Patch kit revision 1.0 for TCPware version 6.0-2 30-Apr-2014 Copyright (c) 2014 by Process Software, LLC This saveset provides a new versions of the following executables for TCPware for OpenVMS.: NETCU.EXE This patch is applicable to TCPware version 6.0-2 only. The following change[s] has been made: Detect if ethernet interface is not up before attempting to start it to prevent NETCU from hanging. NET_V602P010 ECO Rank: 3 - Corrects a specific problem The old versions of the images will be renamed to *.EXE_OLD. Once installed, you may undo this patch by renaming the file(s) back to: TCPWARE_COMMON:[TCPWARE]NETCU.EXE_OLD to TCPWARE_COMMON:[TCPWARE]NETCU.EXE