FTP Patch kit (revision 2.0) for TCPware version 6.0 6-Oct-2014 Copyright (c) 2014 by Process Software Version 2.0 ECO rank: 3 Overall ECO rank: 3 This VMSINSTALable saveset provides new versions of FTP.EXE, FTP_SERVER.EXE and FTP_LISTENER.EXE; It applies to TCPware V6.0 on VMS/VAX V5.5-2 and later, OpenVMS ALPHA V6.1 and later, and OpenVMS for Integrity V8.2 and later. The following changes have been made in this kit: FTP.EXE FTP_SERVER.EXE Correct a possible divide by zero error when transferring files in MODE Z. (FTP_V602P10) The following changes are included from earlier patch kits: FTP_SERVER.EXE Modify the processing of the RESTart command to always return success for RESTart 0 (zero) even if some of the other conditions might cause it to fail. (FTP_V602P011) FTP_LISTENER.EXE Additional logging to possibly aid in detecting a channel leak. (FTP_V602P011) Set state of connection to ABORT on error status from SETSOCKOPT operations. Logfiles show that these errors could be related to problems with socket retention (FTP_V602P012) Change state to KILL when there are errors from SETSOCKOPTs. (FTP_V602P013) After installing the patch kit you should do @TCPWARE:RESTART FTP to cause the new images to be used.