FTP Patch kit (revision 3.0) for TCPware version 5.9-2 12-DEC-2012 Copyright (c) 2010,2012 by Process Software Version 3.0 ECO rank: 3 Overall ECO rank: 3 This VMSINSTALable saveset provides new versions of FTP.EXE, FTP_SERVER.EXE and TCPWARE_FTPLIB_SHR for TCPware for OpenVMS. On VAX systems new versions TCPWARE_LIBCRYPTO and TCPWARE_LIBSSL are also provided. It applies to TCPware V5.9-2 on VMS/VAX V5.5-2 and later, OpenVMS ALPHA V6.1 and later, and OpenVMS for Integrity V8.2 and later. The following changes have been made in this kit: TCPWARE_FTPLIB_SHR.EXE Allow for timeouts on FTP_OPEN_CONNECTION that are smaller than 20 seconds. Users of this may want to define the logical TCPWARE_FTP_MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_WAIT to a VMS delta time to limit the amount of time spent waiting for the 220 message. DE 11245 ECO Rank 3 FTP_V592P030 This kit also includes the following changes from previous kits: FTP.EXE Correct a parsing problem with the delete command (DE 11063) FTP_V592P010 Correct some problems with SSL processing. FTP_V592P010 The logical TCPWARE_FTP_SEND_FEAT_ON_CONNECT may be defined to 0 (zero), F or N to disable the sending of the FEAT FTP command upon connecting to a server. When this is disabled the FTP client will not be able to detect the support of optional features such as TLS, REST STREAM and other and these features may not work correctly if there is an attempt to use them. DE 11221 ECO Rank 3 FTP_V592P020 FTP_SERVER.EXE Correct some problems with SSL processing. FTP_V592P010 After installing the patch kit you should do @TCPWARE:RESTART FTP to cause the new images to be used.